A couple of our women have begun to step out and mentor others. We are excited when we see the fruit of our labor turn into more fruit! John 15:8 says "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." After meeting with the Director of the school, he was delighted that a ministry group would come in to volunteer to work with the troubled students. His question to me was, "Where's the church?". I understood what he was saying. At times the church has not been very accessible or visible in our community. The objective of Daughters of Naomi Embraced is to be a light to our community and serve by going beyond ourselves to reach out and teach those that are in need. Teaching today's youth is a challenge, but they are our future.
The time we have invested in the lives that come to us is priceless! Paul said his life was poured out as a drink offering. Never will you begin to understand this saying until you begin to live it out. My husband and I often encounter those that society rejects, overlooks or doesn't want to notice. But the compassion of Christ says, you could be there or you once were there . . . love your neighbor. The quote "There for the grace of God go I" has a little deeper meaning when you've been redeemed. As we were at a local eatery last week, my husband noticed a man sitting seeming very despondent. My husband said to me, "I'll be right back" as I started to ask where he was going, he got up and walked over to the man. I knew. I knew God spoke to my husband to go and love on that man.
He introduced himself, asked the man if he was going through something, the man told my husband his name was Jeremy and that he had nowhere to go and had just been released from the hospital. He told the man he wanted to pray with him. Jeremy reached out his hand. Then after talking with him a little longer, he came back to the table. Not a few minutes went by and my husband got out his wallet, opened it up and proceeded to give the man financial assistance. I don't tell this to toot his horn, but to testify of the Word that compelled him to act - James 2:16 If one of you says to the, "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
Faith without works is dead, the next verse of James chapter 2 sums up what God expects of believers. If we claim the name of Jesus Christ and identify ourselves as His followers we should show that in our actions. I am compelled by Christ's love because I know He died for all. No matter where you are or who is around you - show the love of God to others. For the greatest commandment is to love God and love others as yourself. Especially those who are hurting, need direction and without hope, we need to be the light and salt to bring healing and words of wisdom and faith to them. Encourage someone today - make your days count!!
Faith without works is dead, the next verse of James chapter 2 sums up what God expects of believers. If we claim the name of Jesus Christ and identify ourselves as His followers we should show that in our actions. I am compelled by Christ's love because I know He died for all. No matter where you are or who is around you - show the love of God to others. For the greatest commandment is to love God and love others as yourself. Especially those who are hurting, need direction and without hope, we need to be the light and salt to bring healing and words of wisdom and faith to them. Encourage someone today - make your days count!!